
More than 500 violations were found for exterior address, facility and environmental standards


According to the decree of the Governor of the capital, the work to eliminate conflicts over public roads and spaces in nine districts of the capital began on the 10th of this month in order to improve the appearance of the city and ensure the right of citizens to live in a healthy and comfortable environment. More than 10 professional organizations in the capital are organizing inspections. Each district is divided into three parts. 

This time, the inspection team worked in the Bayanzurkh district. Compared to other districts of the capital, the district has many business entities and organizations engaged in trade and services. These organizations were inspected and found to have more than 500 violations in Bayanzurkh district alone. Common violations, such as not complying with address, address, facility, and environmental standards, were revealed during the inspections.

"Addressing in a unified manner is a must for organizations"          

Head of the Bayanzurkh District Urban Improvement Department N. Bilegsaikhan:   

This inspection revealed that enterprises did not follow the standards for exterior landscaping and construction, including improper building and placement of fences and gates. For example, building fences beyond their own property, building fences that did not meet standards, and violating exterior address were common. Professional inspection organizations are responsible for conducting inspections, which means they work to resolve violations on the spot, organize corrective measures promptly, and provide recommendations. Enterprises engaged in trade and services are obliged to comply with relevant standards. Enterprises that engage in trade and services are obligated to adhere to the appropriate standards. In the case of common violations related to address facilities, urban development standards should be followed. After the inspection, it is possible to work with enterprises and resolve the address in a unified manner.


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